2010年6月19日 星期六

Your Chance to Win an iPad !

“If Youth.gov.hk were a person..."
參加簡報比賽贏取 iPad

Use your creative juice and let us know what you think about:


Youth.gov.hk if it were a person: his/her age, gender, appearance, personality and your relationship with this person.
若Youth.gov.hk是一個人,您認為他/她會是怎樣的: 年齡、性別、外表、性格、您和他/她的關係。

We will select the most interesting three contestants to present at the Y party. We are giving away an iPaD to the winner!!!
我們會挑選三個入圍者在 Y Party表演,最受歡迎的會得到iPad一部!!!

Application Method: Submit your powerpoint (max. 10 slides) to
請於七月七日前,將您的創作(不多10張powerpoint slides) e-mail給

Application Deadline: 7 July 2010